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Pick Label do not show the appropriate label Pick Label do not show the appropriate label 38,919  0
Author njaiswal  26 Feb 2024 17:46 —    
64 bit version for Linux 64 bit version for Linux 567,533  2
Author ashubiotech  10 Sep 2020 20:36 MARIAN VINCENZI  5 Feb 2022 01:43  Latest reply
Peak Volume display range Peak Volume display range 228,000  2
Author mukherji  29 May 2017 17:23 nitinm  23 Aug 2021 19:23  Latest reply
2D 1H,15N-TROSY spectrum output for publication 2D 1H,15N-TROSY spectrum output for publication 91,421  0
Author winston  19 Sep 2020 14:45 —    
Cara version supported on MacOS Catalina Cara version supported on MacOS Catalina 12,808  1
Author priyanka0210  2 Sep 2020 11:39 Admin  6 Sep 2020 22:20  Latest reply
Peak amplitude to voulme Error Peak amplitude to voulme Error 2,510  0
Author ipal  1 Sep 2020 21:34 —    
Set System Type not showing all Option Set System Type not showing all Option 12,550  0
Author celdrion  21 Jul 2020 10:18 —    
CARA Script for Write Assignment is not taking C-1 CARA Script for Write Assignment is not taking C-1 52,794  0
Author ipal  11 Mar 2020 21:21 —    
ProposeAndSchow.lua ProposeAndSchow.lua 7,364  0
Author steto123  18 Feb 2020 09:36 —    
Loading NOESY peak list in StripScope Loading NOESY peak list in StripScope 14,459  0
Author aswani  20 Jan 2020 02:38 —    
Coverting CARA assignment to BMRB format Coverting CARA assignment to BMRB format 139,195  3
Author ipal  23 Sep 2019 17:03 ipal  7 Oct 2019 16:58  Latest reply
Importing two assignments into one project file Importing two assignments into one project file 12,937  1
Author frkbustad  4 Oct 2019 14:19 damberger  7 Oct 2019 13:00  Latest reply
Auto-contour timer Auto-contour timer 21,481  1
Author sciencefiend  19 Jan 2017 20:22 damberger  19 Mar 2019 02:04  Latest reply
Peak picking in 13CHSQC Peak picking in 13CHSQC 8,235  1
Author aqil_ntu  8 Feb 2017 03:24 damberger  19 Mar 2019 01:57  Latest reply
Titration Peaklist Titration Peaklist 3,584  1
Author shubhadra  22 Jun 2017 22:04 damberger  19 Mar 2019 01:37  Latest reply
Editing Print Preview Editing Print Preview 3,589  1
Author Shudras  19 Nov 2017 22:50 damberger  19 Mar 2019 00:50  Latest reply
Systems not showing on spectra Systems not showing on spectra 3,692  2
Author docz3d  27 Jun 2018 16:52 damberger  19 Mar 2019 00:38  Latest reply
Sparky to Cara Sparky to Cara 3,007  1
Author Kachy  20 Sep 2018 18:36 damberger  19 Mar 2019 00:23  Latest reply
PeakListToXplorConstraints Part 2 PeakListToXplorConstraints Part 2 2,920  1
Author steto123  13 Mar 2019 09:48 damberger  19 Mar 2019 00:16  Latest reply
Peak List to Xplor Constraints Peak List to Xplor Constraints 3,016  1
Author naixiazhang  19 Oct 2018 06:13 damberger  19 Mar 2019 00:09  Latest reply
Calua Manual Calua Manual 3,012  1
Author kmineev  20 Feb 2018 14:59 Admin  27 Feb 2018 15:43  Latest reply
SVG export no peak assignment SVG export no peak assignment 3,316  1
Author Shudras  22 Dec 2017 18:02 Shudras  22 Dec 2017 18:05  Latest reply
importing sequence for protein with two fragments linked by a disulfide bridge importing sequence for protein with two fragments linked by a disulfide bridge 3,934  1
Author mcculloughc  17 May 2017 16:38 damberger  7 Sep 2017 16:12  Latest reply
Peak Lists Peak Lists 4,272  1
Author aklein17  21 Apr 2017 00:47 damberger  7 Sep 2017 13:01  Latest reply
cara to sparky cara to sparky 3,294  1
Author petermeyer  5 Jul 2017 18:18 damberger  7 Sep 2017 12:50  Latest reply
In the PeakList? and select "Set ColorCode" crashes program. Windows 10 running In the PeakList? and select "Set ColorCode" crashes program. Windows 10 running 1,978  0
Author aiahz  11 Jan 2017 17:20 —    
read cyana peak list read cyana peak list 1,654  0
Author harini  14 Dec 2016 08:57 —    
GetLineWidthsFromPeakLists.lua GetLineWidthsFromPeakLists.lua 3,620  10
Author shubhadra  25 Apr 2016 18:55 shiv  1 Dec 2016 17:09  Latest reply
Problem with AutoLINK II Problem with AutoLINK II 3,035  5
Author murugendra  21 Sep 2016 21:24 rkeller  21 Sep 2016 22:37  Latest reply
Problem in adding BEST_HNCA spectrum Problem in adding BEST_HNCA spectrum 3,809  5
Author Renuka  12 Sep 2016 13:25 damberger  16 Sep 2016 15:42  Latest reply

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