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Pick Label do not show the appropriate label Pick Label do not show the appropriate label 38,919  0
Author njaiswal  26 Feb 2024 17:46 —    
Alpha release of macOS 64 bit version of CARA Alpha release of macOS 64 bit version of CARA 530,901  10
Author Admin  6 Sep 2020 22:18 Aldino  13 Dec 2023 15:43  Latest reply
How to add 4D nmr spectrum type How to add 4D nmr spectrum type 51,403  0
Author Sajjad  29 Apr 2023 09:01 —    
64 bit version for Linux 64 bit version for Linux 567,534  2
Author ashubiotech  10 Sep 2020 20:36 MARIAN VINCENZI  5 Feb 2022 01:43  Latest reply
Peak Volume display range Peak Volume display range 228,001  2
Author mukherji  29 May 2017 17:23 nitinm  23 Aug 2021 19:23  Latest reply
Cannot Zoom in CARA 1.9.1 OS 11.2 Cannot Zoom in CARA 1.9.1 OS 11.2 207,243  0
Author NMR_Stuff  28 Apr 2021 20:51 —    
2D 1H,15N-TROSY spectrum output for publication 2D 1H,15N-TROSY spectrum output for publication 91,421  0
Author winston  19 Sep 2020 14:45 —    
CARA 64-bits compatibility CARA 64-bits compatibility 74,714  2
Author Aldin0  10 Oct 2019 10:31 Admin  6 Sep 2020 22:21  Latest reply
Cara version supported on MacOS Catalina Cara version supported on MacOS Catalina 12,809  1
Author priyanka0210  2 Sep 2020 11:39 Admin  6 Sep 2020 22:20  Latest reply
Peak amplitude to voulme Error Peak amplitude to voulme Error 2,510  0
Author ipal  1 Sep 2020 21:34 —    
Set System Type not showing all Option Set System Type not showing all Option 12,550  0
Author celdrion  21 Jul 2020 10:18 —    
CARA Script for Write Assignment is not taking C-1 CARA Script for Write Assignment is not taking C-1 52,795  0
Author ipal  11 Mar 2020 21:21 —    
Where can I get CARA 1.9.1b18? Where can I get CARA 1.9.1b18? 45,203  0
Author xianzhongxu  5 Mar 2020 17:58 —    
Wish list Wish list 24,347  0
Author frkbustad  21 Feb 2020 14:33 —    
Cara crash when doing strip matching Cara crash when doing strip matching 41,213  0
Author frkbustad  21 Feb 2020 14:23 —    
ProposeAndSchow.lua ProposeAndSchow.lua 7,365  0
Author steto123  18 Feb 2020 09:36 —    
Loading NOESY peak list in StripScope Loading NOESY peak list in StripScope 14,460  0
Author aswani  20 Jan 2020 02:38 —    
Coverting CARA assignment to BMRB format Coverting CARA assignment to BMRB format 139,195  3
Author ipal  23 Sep 2019 17:03 ipal  7 Oct 2019 16:58  Latest reply
Importing two assignments into one project file Importing two assignments into one project file 12,937  1
Author frkbustad  4 Oct 2019 14:19 damberger  7 Oct 2019 13:00  Latest reply
Auto-contour timer Auto-contour timer 21,481  1
Author sciencefiend  19 Jan 2017 20:22 damberger  19 Mar 2019 02:04  Latest reply

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