--GetLineWidthsFromPeakLists -- Written by F.Damberger Aug 31, 2014 (version 1) -- See section below which must be edited by user for particular case -- Note: this is not very accurate since it does not interpolate between datapoints. -- to improve accuracy of linewidths the dimension of interest should be fourier transformed with extensive zerofilling -- -- The related script GetLineWidthsFromResonancesInSpinSystem.lua uses positions of spins in project (not peaklists) -- and interpolates between datapoints -- -- Writes out file in csv format one line per peak: "peaknumber, linewidth" (along the selected dimension) -- if a BatchList is defined for the selected peaklist (with a set of spectra) then the linewidth for the peak in each spectrum -- for the peak will be written out on the line in the order specified in the BatchList -- Script should also work if no peaklist is defined for the peaklist. It will write out one linewidth per line. -- -- script finds maximum along selected DimTrace and first minima in each direction -- upfield and downfield, LW=0.5 * ( HalfLineWidth(Upfield) + HalfLineWidth(Downfield) ) -- unless assymetry > MaxAssymetry, then it estimates -- LW = 2*min(HalfLineWidth(Upfield),HalfLineWidth(Downfield)) -- Peaks with asymmetry larger than MaxAssymetry are reported in the terminal window --version 1 -- written by F. Damberger, 03-Sept-2014 -- version 2 -- F. Damberger 25-April-2016 -- fixed error caused because table t was not defined -- added the capability to write out linewidths for a series of spectra defined by a batchlist -- !!!!!! USER edit this section for your use case !!!!!! ----------------------- -- edit the USER variables below for your application --------------------------- ProjectName="MyProject" SelectedSpecId=1 -- enter SpectrumId of Spectrum with PeakList that has BatchList defined (also works with no BatchList) PeakListId=1 -- edit to be equal to ID of PeakList with BatchList defined DimTrace=1 -- 1= F1(direct dim), 2= F2 (indirect dim) -- direction of traces whose linewidths are evaluated DimOrthogonalToTrace=2 -- see above, should be OTHER dimension if DimTrace=1, DimOrthogonalToTrace=2 DeltaPpm = 0.2 -- this is the range of chemical shift around the selected peak to use for lineshape determination Unit = "Hz" -- unit of the horizontal scale: Hz or ppm RejectAssymetricPeaks = true -- set equal to false to keep peaks with high asymmetry and estimate their linewidth using -- minimum value for the half linewidth at half height from the center of peak maximum to left or to right side MaxAssymetry = 0.2 -- this parameter excludes residues if their Lineshape is too nonsymmetric at halfheight -- Assymetry is 2*(LeftHalfWidth-RightHalfWidth/FullWidth) -- If a reference residue is excluded then this is reported by the script in the Terminal window --Formatting sp=";" -- spacer symbol used between datapoints in outputfile FileSuffix=".csv" -- for output file -- Do not edit below this line -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- end of user editable section ------------------------------ Verbose=false AbsMinBufferSize = 2048 t = {} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- function definitions: note Project,SpecId,DimTrace are used as global variables in functions -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetDeltaPpmMax( PpmDim1, Delta, Units, BatchList ) DeltaPpmMax = 0 for Index,SpecId in pairs( BatchList ) do Spectrum = t.P:getSpectrum( SpecId ) startPpmDim1,endPpmDim1 = Spectrum:getPpmRange( DimTrace ) if Units == "Hz" then RfFreq1 = Spectrum:getRfFreq(1) DeltaPpm = Delta/RfFreq1 else DeltaPpm = Delta end if DeltaPpm > DeltaPpmMax then DeltaPpmMax = DeltaPpm end end return DeltaPpmMax end -- function GetDeltaPpmMax -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetMaxIntensityInSlice( SliceBuffer, i_offset, SpecId, Unit ) local Max = 0 -- assume slices have positive maxima local HalfOfMinBufferSize = tonumber( MinBufferSize*0.5 ) local Xcenter = GetXvalue( SliceBuffer, HalfOfMinBufferSize+i_offset, SpecId, Unit ) local RfFreq = Spectrum:getRfFreq( 1 ) for i=1,MinBufferSize do Y=GetYvalue( SliceBuffer, i+i_offset, 1.0 ) X=GetXvalue( SliceBuffer, i+i_offset, SpecId, Unit ) if Y > Max and math.abs( Xcenter - X ) < DeltaPpm*RfFreq*0.2 then Max = Y MaxPos = GetXvalue( SliceBuffer, i, SpecId, Unit ) MaxIndex = i end end --print("Max intensity in slice is"..Max) return Max,MaxPos,MaxIndex end -- GetMaxIntensityInSlice -- ---------------------core function for script --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetHalfMaximaAndWidth( SliceBuffer, i_offset, SpecId, Unit ) local FullWidth=0 -- = LeftHalfWidth + RiteHalfWidth local Assymetry=0 -- = 2*math.abs(LeftHalfWidth - RiteHalfWidth)/FullWidth local MinFullWidth=0 -- = 2*Smaller(LeftHalfWidth,RiteHalfWidth) local MaxFullWidth=0 -- = 2*Larger(LeftHalfWidth,RiteHalfWidth) local LeftHalfHeight=0 -- Intensity at point closest to 0.5*Maximum Intensity (left side of maximum) local RiteHalfHeight=0 -- Intensity at point closest to 0.5*Maximum Intensity (right side of maximum) local LeftHalfMax = 0 -- Position of point at LeftHalfHeight (in units given by global variable 'Unit') local LeftHalfWidth = 0 -- math.abs( LeftHalfMax - MaxPos ) (MaxPos is position of maximum) local RiteHalfMax = 0 -- Position of point at RiteHalfHeight (in units given by global variable 'Unit') local RiteHalfWidth = 0 -- math.abs( RiteHalfMax - MaxPos ) local MaxSoFar = 0 Maximum,MaxPos,MaxIndex = GetMaxIntensityInSlice( SliceBuffer, i_offset, SpecId, Unit ) if Verbose then print("MaxInt",Maximum,"MaxPos",MaxPos) end --[[ -- The old approach: scan across the whole SliceBuffer -- storing the LeftHalfMax when i < MinBufferSize and the RiteHalfMax when i >= MinBufferSize -- The problem with this approach is that it ignores the possibility that there are two maxima in the SliceBuffer -- Therefore I switched to the approach below ]] -- THIS IS THE NEW APPROACH - scanning for the first HalfMax to the left and -- then scanning for the first HalfMax to the right -- find the Left HalfMax CurrentY=Maximum*2 -- ensure that while loop can begin LeftHalfMax=9999 --LastMinusHalfMax = 1 -- ensure that product CurrentMinusHalfMax*LastMinusHalfMax is positive when the scan starts --for j=1,MaxIndex do -- Left Half of SliceBuffer j=0 i=MaxIndex+1-j --NoHalfMaxFound = true while jMaximum*0.45 and i+i_offset - 1 > 0 do -- search until intensity is less than Maximum*0.5 j=j+1 i=MaxIndex+1-j -- from MaxIndex to 1 if i+i_offset <1 then print("i+i_offset = "..i+i_offset.." decrementing i+i_offset below 1!!!!!!") end CurrentY = GetYvalue( SliceBuffer, i+i_offset, 1.0 ) CurrentX = GetXvalue( SliceBuffer, i+i_offset, SpecId, Unit ) CurrentMinusHalfMax=CurrentY-Maximum*0.5 --[[ if CurrentMinusHalfMax*LastMinusHalfMax < 0 then NoHalfMaxFound = false end ]] --if NumHalfMax < 2 then -- look for only first HalfMax (i.e. ignore other maxima in the SliceBuffer) if math.abs( Maximum*0.5 - CurrentY ) < math.abs( Maximum*0.5 - LeftHalfMax ) then LeftHalfMax = CurrentY LeftHalfMaxPos = CurrentX LeftHalfWidth = math.abs( LeftHalfMaxPos - MaxPos ) LeftHalfHeight = LeftHalfMax/Maximum if Verbose then print("current LeftHalfMaxPos",CurrentX) end end --end --LastMinusHalfMax = CurrentMinusHalfMax end -- find the Rite HalfMax CurrentY=Maximum*2 -- ensure that while loop can begin RiteHalfMax=9999 --LastMinusHalfMax = 1 -- ensure that product CurrentMinusHalfMax*LastMinusHalfMax is positive when the scan starts --for i=MaxIndex,MinBufferSize do -- Rite Half of SliceBuffer i=MaxIndex-1 --NoHalfMaxFound = true while iMaximum*0.45 do i=i+1 CurrentY = GetYvalue( SliceBuffer, i+i_offset, 1.0 ) CurrentX = GetXvalue( SliceBuffer, i+i_offset, SpecId, Unit ) CurrentMinusHalfMax=CurrentY-Maximum*0.5 --[[ if CurrentMinusHalfMax*LastMinusHalfMax < 0 then NoHalfMaxFound = false end ]] --if NumHalfMax < 2 then -- look for only first HalfMax (i.e. ignore other maxima in the SliceBuffer) if math.abs( Maximum*0.5 - CurrentY ) < math.abs( Maximum*0.5 - RiteHalfMax ) then RiteHalfMax = CurrentY RiteHalfMaxPos = CurrentX RiteHalfWidth = math.abs( RiteHalfMaxPos - MaxPos ) RiteHalfHeight = RiteHalfMax/Maximum if Verbose then print("current RiteHalfMaxPos",CurrentX) end end --end --LastMinusHalfMax = CurrentMinusHalfMax end FullWidth = LeftHalfWidth+RiteHalfWidth Assymetry = math.abs(LeftHalfWidth - RiteHalfWidth)/FullWidth LeftHalfHeight = LeftHalfMax/Maximum RiteHalfHeight = RiteHalfMax/Maximum if LeftHalfWidth < RiteHalfWidth then MinFullWidth = LeftHalfWidth*2.0 MaxFullWidth = RiteHalfWidth*2.0 else MinFullWidth = RiteHalfWidth*2.0 MaxFullWidth = LeftHalfWidth*2.0 end return FullWidth, Assymetry, MinFullWidth, MaxFullWidth,LeftHalfHeight,RiteHalfHeight -- return FullWidth, Assymetry, LeftHalfWidth, RiteHalfWidth,LeftHalfHeight,RiteHalfHeight end -- function GetHalfMaximaAndWidth -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetMinBufferSize( MinBufferSize, Slice ) result = AbsMinBufferSize BufferSize = Slice:getSampleCount( 1 ) if BufferSize < MinBufferSize then result = BufferSize end return result end --GetMinBufferSize -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetPos( Peak, Spectrum) PpmDim1,PpmDim2=Peak:getPos( Spectrum ) FormattedPpm1 = string.format( "%7.3f", PpmDim1 ) FormattedPpm2 = string.format( "%7.3f", PpmDim2 ) return FormattedPpm1,FormattedPpm2 --return PpmDim1,PpmDim2 end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetPpmRange( DimTrace, PpmDim1, PpmDim2, DeltaPpm, Spectrum ) startPpmSourceDim,endPpmSourceDim = Spectrum:getPpmRange( DimTrace ) if DimTrace == 2 then -- slice is along indirect dimension PpmSourceDim = PpmDim2 else -- slice is along direct dimension PpmSourceDim = PpmDim1 end --print( string.format( "%7.3f", startPpmDim1 ), string.format( "%7.3f", endPpmDim1 ) ) if PpmSourceDim + DeltaPpm < startPpmSourceDim then startPpmSourceDim = PpmSourceDim + DeltaPpm end if PpmSourceDim - DeltaPpm > endPpmSourceDim then endPpmSourceDim = PpmSourceDim - DeltaPpm end return startPpmSourceDim,endPpmSourceDim end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Float( Value ) return string.format("%3.3f", Value ) end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetSlice( Spectrum, StartPpm, EndPpm, PpmOrthoDim ) --print(Spectrum:getDimCount()) if Verbose then print("function GetSlice:"..Spectrum:getId(),Float(StartPpm),Float(EndPpm),Float(PpmOrthoDim) ) end if DimTrace == 2 then Slice = Spectrum:getSlicePpm( 2, PpmOrthoDim, PpmOrthoDim, StartPpm, EndPpm ) else Slice = Spectrum:getSlicePpm( 1, StartPpm, EndPpm, PpmOrthoDim, PpmOrthoDim ) end return Slice end -- function GetSlice -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetXvalue( SliceBuffer, PointIndex, SpecId, Unit ) --uses global variables Project and DimTrace RfFreq = Project:getSpectrum(SpecId):getRfFreq( DimTrace ) PpmMax,PpmMin = SliceBuffer:getPpmRange( 1 ) PpmCenter = (PpmMax + PpmMin )/2 Value = SliceBuffer:getFreq( 1, PointIndex ) if Unit == "Hz" then Value = Value - PpmCenter Value = Value * RfFreq end return Value end function GetYvalue( SliceBuffer, PointIndex, Yscaling ) SliceMaxPoint=SliceBuffer:getSampleCount(1) if PointIndex>SliceMaxPoint then error("GetYvalue is calling PointIndex="..PointIndex.." which is above maximum value of buffer :"..SliceMaxPoint) end if PointIndex<1 then print("function GetYvalue: WARNING: GetYvalue is calling PointIndex="..PointIndex.." which is below 1") end Value = SliceBuffer:getAt( PointIndex )/Yscaling --Value = Value + BatchIndex * OffsetStepY --return string.format( "%7.3f", Value ) return Value end function TableSize( table ) local i=0 for a,b in pairs( table ) do i = i + 1 end return i end -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- END OF FUNCTION DEFINITIONS -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main program -- Check input Project=cara:getProject( ProjectName ) if not Project then error("No project found with name "..ProjectName.." Please edit top of script so ProjectName = a project name existing in the repository") end PeakList=Project:getPeakList( PeakListId ) if not PeakList then error("No peaklist found in this project\n with the Id "..PeakListId.. "\nPlease edit line with PeakListId at the top of the script\n so it refers to the PeakListId of the \npeaklist with a BatchList defined") end print("Selected PeakList "..PeakList:getName()) BatchList=PeakList:getBatchList() -- if batchlist exists, --script will loop through all spectra in list and --write out one pair of peak intensity,linewidth columns per spectrum in the batchlist Spectrum=Project:getSpectrum( SelectedSpecId ) if not Spectrum then error("No spectrum found with Id="..SelectedSpecId.." in the selected project.\nPlease edit the top of script so SelectedSpecId= the Id of a spectrum in the selected project") end FilePrefix=Project:getName() ProposedFileName = FilePrefix.."_".."LWf"..DimTrace..FileSuffix Filename = dlg.getText("Enter the output filename", "", ProposedFileName ) -- b. get SliceBuffers t.SliceBuffer = {} outfile = io.output( Filename ) --print("Writing out "..TableSize(BatchList).." rows of spectra in columns of residues") Line = {} Header="PeakNumber"..sp.."PeakWidth" p=0 Line[p]=Header NumPeaksWithAssymetry=0 NumPeaks=0 SumFullWidths=0 SumOfSqFullWidth=0 if not t.BatchList then t.BatchList = {} t.BatchList[1] = SelectedSpecId BatchTotNum = 1 else BatchTotNum = TableSize( t.BatchList ) end for PeakId,Peak in pairs( PeakList:getPeaks() ) do p=p+1 Line[p]=PeakId if Verbose then print(PeakId) end for BatchNum=1,BatchTotNum do Spectrum = Project:getSpectrum( t.BatchList[ BatchNum ] ) SpecId = t.BatchList[ BatchNum ] PpmDim1,PpmDim2 = GetPos( Peak, Spectrum ) -- get position of reference spins if Verbose then print("F1",PpmDim1,"F2",PpmDim2) end StartPpmSourceDim,EndPpmSourceDim = GetPpmRange( DimTrace, PpmDim1, PpmDim2, DeltaPpm, Spectrum ) -- get ppm range including RefSpinDim1 if DimTrace == 2 then --OrthoDim is the dimension orthogonal to the slice PpmOrthoDim = PpmDim1 --indirect dim is orthogonal to slice else PpmOrthoDim = PpmDim2 -- direct dimension is orthogonal to slice end Slice = GetSlice( Spectrum, StartPpmSourceDim, EndPpmSourceDim, PpmOrthoDim ) -- get the 1D slice including the peak of RefSpinDim1 MinBufferSize = GetMinBufferSize( AbsMinBufferSize, Slice ) i_offset = tonumber( ( Slice:getSampleCount(1) - MinBufferSize )/2 ) FullWidth, Assymetry, MinFullWidth, MaxFullWidth,LeftHalfHeight,RiteHalfHeight=GetHalfMaximaAndWidth( Slice, i_offset, SpecId, Unit ) ForAssymetry = string.format("%3.3f",Assymetry) ForFullWidth = string.format("%3.2f",FullWidth) if Assymetry > MaxAssymetry then if RejectAssymetricPeaks then print("WARNING: Rejected peak in spectrum with ID="..t.BatchList[BatchNum].." peak "..PeakId.." has Assymetry= "..ForAssymetry.."!!!".."MinFullWidth="..Float(MinFullWidth).." MaxFullWidth="..Float(MaxFullWidth).." FullWidth="..Float(FullWidth) ) Line[p] = Line[p]..sp -- leave empty value if Linewidth is not reliable else print("WARNING: Using Min(2*HalfLineWidthLeft,2*HalfLineWidthRight) for estimating LW of peak in spectrum with ID"..t.BatchList[BatchNum].." peak "..PeakId.." has Assymetry= "..ForAssymetry.."!!!".."MinFullWidth="..Float(MinFullWidth).." MaxFullWidth="..Float(MaxFullWidth).." FullWidth="..Float(FullWidth) ) Line[p] = Line[p]..sp..Float(MinFullWidth) -- use the lower FulllWidth (assume the other side has overlap) end NumPeaksWithAssymetry = NumPeaksWithAssymetry + 1 else NumPeaks = NumPeaks + 1 SumFullWidths = SumFullWidths + FullWidth SumOfSqFullWidth = SumOfSqFullWidth + FullWidth*FullWidth --print(RefResNum,FullWidth) -- TEST TEST TEST Line[p] = Line[p]..sp..ForFullWidth end -- if Asymmetry is too high end -- for all entries in BatchList if Verbose then print(Line[p]) end end -- write lines to terminal window for m=0,p do print(Line[m]) end for n=0,p do outfile:write( Line[n].."\n" ) end outfile:close() t = nil